Friday, June 29, 2012

Class Reflection

The first day of class is always an interesting and fruitful day.  We need to set up class expectations, set the tone, and give a premise by which we are to adhere academically.  Technology is an aspect of our society that has escaped me for far too long.  I'm ready to make the switch from a pad and a pen to Microsoft word for taking notes.  I'm as excited about this blog and all of the other technological advances I have come to accomplish as my mom is about learning how to use her iPad.  I plan on presenting introspective accounts of classroom culture that will include stories, anecdotes, observations, advice and plans.
I hope that this blog serves as a medium for teacher networking where ideas, plans, stories and help are shared reciprocally as we continually hone our craft.  Open-minds are always welcome at this blog because I feel that new ideas are the only way one can further confirm one's own conclusions or decide that a new path is warranted.  Be honest, be forward, and enjoy your days.


  1. My mom is also just learning how to work the iPad we got her for her birthday. I can relate to some of her frustration as I felt it before when it has come to working my iPhone and now this Mac. I am still a little old fashioned in that I too like to take notes on paper with a pencil, but as the times change so must we. I think that there could be some great learning opportunities in your future classroom, I like some of the things that you mentioned towards the bottom of your post. These kids will know an extreme amount abut technology so hopefully this class will give us a good head start in keeping up with them.

  2. I think it's cool to read your first post and see how comfortable you've become with technology since then. I too am a little technologically-deprived, but I've been exposed to some pretty exciting frontiers as I progressed through Jeff and Kristin's class. My hope is you, I, and everyone else will continue to grow and develop some good habits utilizing all that technology has to offer in our classrooms.

  3. I'm curious to know things have/have not changed since the term began.

    PS - Although I type much of my work day away, I still carry a pen-and-paper notebook. :)
