Friday, June 29, 2012

Class Reflection

The first day of class is always an interesting and fruitful day.  We need to set up class expectations, set the tone, and give a premise by which we are to adhere academically.  Technology is an aspect of our society that has escaped me for far too long.  I'm ready to make the switch from a pad and a pen to Microsoft word for taking notes.  I'm as excited about this blog and all of the other technological advances I have come to accomplish as my mom is about learning how to use her iPad.  I plan on presenting introspective accounts of classroom culture that will include stories, anecdotes, observations, advice and plans.
I hope that this blog serves as a medium for teacher networking where ideas, plans, stories and help are shared reciprocally as we continually hone our craft.  Open-minds are always welcome at this blog because I feel that new ideas are the only way one can further confirm one's own conclusions or decide that a new path is warranted.  Be honest, be forward, and enjoy your days.